What we sow into a situation is what we reap. 🌱

What this means is chaos begets chaos. 🌪

If we are in a state of panic, fear, or stress and begin REACTING with that energy we will only create MORE OF THAT ENERGY.

There is no way around this. We cannot create a resolution from a space of chaos. It’s not a vibrational match.

When we are faced with triggers the best thing we can do in that moment is NOTHING.

Then…. Once we have calmed, recentered, and regulated our nervous system, we can begin to come up with a solution.

When our brains are in “threat” mode we go into defense. We create fights where no fight existed. We create drama where no drama was. And we create more reasons to stay in this heightened state of stress. 😓

Learning to regulate our nervous system gives us all the power. This allows us to continue to co-create with the universe from a place of deliberate intention verses fear and panic.

Fear and panic are never energies that we should be making choices and decisions from.

One of my favorite says is “don’t make a permanent decision based on a temporary feeling.”

The consequences can often be something we cannot come back from.

This isn’t how we have to live, and certainly not how the divine creatrix energy calls us to be.

We are ALWAYS in charge of what we are creating.

Please make sure you’re creating from a space of being aligned with your goal, not fear and panic.

Creating from those energies is a result of poor impulse control.

This tends to be the result of past trauma and neglect.

Impulse control is a learned skill.

Recommended For You

Instant Alignment Practice

Regain control over your nervous system during time of stress, fear, or overwhelm so you can create from a regulated nervous system with intention and alignment.

Just like riding a bike.

It has to be trained.

If you are someone who struggles with impulsive reaction you’re not alone.

It’s nothing to feel shame about or condemn yourself for.

The unregulated nervous system is the result of old conditioning that you were a victim of. Please don’t continue to victimize yourself by creating new trauma in your life through destructive creation.

Here are some things you can do to start training your nervous system and freeing yourself from impulsivity:

✨ Meditation

✨ Fasting

✨ EFT tapping

✨ Breathwork

✨ Visualization

If you’d like my free Instant Alignment Practice that utilizes several of these techniques, it’s linked here on the page.


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