What’s coming next….
Alter - A somatic healing journey through releasing old, limiting programming and activating an upgraded frequency of abundance and Divine Feminine Energy.
This event is for paid members of the Sacred Feminine Society.
Intuitive Business Intentions
Intuitive Business Intentions: Setting Aligned Goals for the Year
Craft a business vision rooted in intuition and alignment.
Learn how to break goals into actionable steps with ease.
This event is for paid members of the Sacred Feminine Sales Society.
Unapologetically YOU
Unapologetically You: Reclaiming Your Power
Learn how to detach your worth from external validation.
Discover practices to embody confidence and self-trust.
This is a free even and will be hosted as a LIVE inside the Intuitive Femme Collective
The Confidence Code
The Confidence Code: Unlocking Your Inner Power
Explore tools to build unshakable confidence.
Learn how self-worth shifts can create ripple effects in all areas of life.
This event is for paid members of the Sacred Feminine Society.
Content That Calls
Content that Calls -
Train ChatGPT how to create targeted content.
Attract clients who are ready to answer the call
This event is for paid members of the Sacred Feminine Sales Society.
Purpose Priestess
Purpose Priestess: Unlock the Power of Your Intuition
Unearth hidden passions and align them with your soul’s mission.
Learn how to trust your intuition to guide your next steps.
This is a free even and will be hosted as a LIVE inside the Intuitive Femme Collective
Banishing Blocks
Banishing Blocks
Dive deep into uncovering and releasing hidden blocks.
Guided NLP session to discover activation event of blocking intuition
Use guided meditation and journaling to reconnect with your mission.
This event is for paid members of the Sacred Feminine Society.
Find Your Framework
Find Your Framework
Align your offers with your soul’s mission for greater fulfillment.
Build an intuitive framework for sustainable business growth.
Discover a business framework that feels aligned and works for you.
This event is for paid members of the Sacred Feminine Sales Society.
Intuition Awakening
Intuition Awakening - Reconnect with your inner guidance to rediscover your purpose and path
Discover how to tap into your inner guidance for aligned goal setting.
Gain clarity on your soul’s desires for the year ahead.
This is a free even and will be hosted as a LIVE inside the Intuitive Femme Collective
Live Group Energy Healing
Join me for my upcoming Live Group Energy Healing session.
Details: Saturday, October 21st at 2pm
What to expect:
We will be together for about 2 hours. During this time I will guide you through a NLP (neuro linguistics programming) reprogramming, followed by a releasing breath work session, finished with a channeled light language activation and hands on energy healing. Event will last approximately 2 hours.
What you will want to bring:
Yoga mat
Water bottle
Planetary Peace Global Event
In light of news breaking across the world that we are still living in the time of active war waging I will be hosting a global energy healing session.
As I have been working with my 1:1 Energy healing clients one of the first things spirit showed me to do was to help rebuild their Crystalline Light Matrix. This matrix is the supporting structure of the light body and is essential in our deep spiritual work.
When the Crystalline Light Matrix is damaged (mostly due to trauma or denying one's true self) it has gaps and holes. Image a forcefield with gaps in it. With these gaps one's energy is not protected and can be more easily penetrated. It also creates difficulty when one gets new downloads or new activations in their Crystalline DNA.
Through the restoration of the Light Matrix energy is able to flow properly and healing can become or easily accessible. With a complete and healing Crystalline Light Matrix one can begin accessing the abilities within the Quantum Realm.
I have been shown that our very own dear Gaia needs assistance in rebuilding her Crystalline Light Matrix and I am calling on the aid of my global sisters to assist me in this very large undertaking.
On March 4th at 11:11AM EST I will be going live to aid in helping our planet rebuild her Light Matrix. I need help. Any and all who feel called to join in this work please do join me in this massive undertaking.
I will guide you through everything and provide you with the tools you will need to participate. If you have friends who you think would be beneficial to this work please invite them to join us. The more people, the better.
Please share about this event in any like minded groups to help recruit as many light workers as possible. Thank you for standing in the gap with me.
Pendulum Class
Join us with our wise witch Kindy who is our guest expert on Pendulums.
Kindy will be teaching us:
what pendulums are used for
how to use them
how to pick your perfect pendulum
how to bond with your pendulum
how to clarify answers
what questions to ask
and more!
Full Moon Release
Full Buck Moon in Aquarius Guided Breath Meditation + Light Language Attunement
When: July 23rd @ 9:30PM EST
Where: Zoom Link provided upon registration
Cost: $22
Freedom From Soul Contracts, Karma, and Soul Ties
Join us for this 3 Day Challenge where we learn how to:
Break Soul Ties
Break Soul Contracts
Break free of karma
Protect ourselves from psychic attack
Sage Class
Join us while Sage Maven, Natalie Daniels walks us through the benefits or saging. Why it’s important to use different herbs in your sage bundles, and how the different herbs can help you with your intended work.
Full Moon Release
Join us for a Guided Breathwork Meditation followed by a Light Language integration lead by Nancy. These sessions are very powerful and should only be participated in if the receiver is ready and open for dramatic shifts in consciousness, awakening, and manifesting.
When: June 24thth @ 9:30PM EST
Where: Zoom
Cost: $22
Burn Board 3 Day Challenge
You have probably heard of a Dream Board - but have you heard of a Burn Board?
This is where we take all of the things that no longer serve us, like - limiting beliefs, old relationships, memories, past hurts, things that we wished had worked out but didn’t, people who we have no been able to let go of, pain we have been refusing to forgive, victimhood, etc - and use images that represent those things, paste them onto a large poster board and then burn the poster board over a large bond fire (don’t worry, if a large fire isn’t accessible I will show you other options) in a ceremonial release.
You won’t want to miss this. This is going to be fun :-)
Videos will be at 1pm EST
Twin Flames vs Mirror Souls
This week we will be discussing the difference between Twin Flames and Mirror Souls and how the Great Convergence effects this awakening.
Where: Witch’s Wound Support Group
The Great Convergence
I will be talking about the Great Convergence and what it means for us and the information I have been downloading since July of 2018
Where: Witch’s Wound Support Group
Full Moon Release
Join us for a Guided Breathwork Meditation followed by a Light Language integration lead by Nancy. These sessions are very powerful and should only be participated in if the receiver is ready and open for dramatic shifts in consciousness, awakening, and manifesting.
When: May 26th @ 9:30PM EST
Where: Zoom
Cost: $22
Crystal Healing
Join us for this Crystal Healing + The Witch’s Wound 5 Day Challenge to help you connect with crystals in a way to deepen your healing work and support your healing journey.
When: May 24th - 28th, 2021
*Video times will vary
Where: Witch’s Wound Support Group
Cost: FREE
Ohana Generational Healing
Join me with special guest Elizabeth Moore as she teaches us about Ohana Generational Healing.
This is a healing modality that works back through your ancestors and helps remove their stories that you're replaying in your life.
Cost: FREE
Where: Witch’s Wound Support Group
Live Card Pulls
I will be going live to do card pulls and bring through messages for our group members.
Witch’s Wound™ Workshop members get to jump to the front of the line. Please check your resources section for details.
When: April 29th
Where: Witch’s Wound Support Group
Cost: FREE