Why Feminine Healers will ALWAYS attract wounded masculines

Let’s talk about the somewhat unfortunate effects of being a feminine healer and how pretty much, no matter what we do, we will inadvertently call in the wounded masculine. This is something that is, honestly, relatively unavoidable when we think about the law of attraction. As a healer, we are going to always be calling in those who need healing. This is the law of the universe. Because of this, we are a vibrational match to that which we are, and that which we do. That's what we're a vibrational resonance of. So when we are divine feminines who do healing work, who are working on healing themselves, who are more connected to the divine, who are in that sacred energy - when we're in that space - we are naturally going to attract and call in masculines who are in their wounding because they are unconsciously looking for healing.

Now, the unfortunate side effect of that is that they are typically, or most likely, will be unconscious to this and not see the call as an activation and an invitation for healing. Instead, they're going to see this, as if we are a replacement for something that is lacking in their life. That might be their mother because they either had a very unhealthy relationship with her filled with rejection or they lost their mother too early, or both, This is what they are truly seeking - a replacement for their connection to the divine and feelings of being home, safe, loved, and nurtured.

As divine women and divine feminines and healers, we have a very potent connection to the divine so these men who are in their wounding, are seeking that connection. Again, this is going to be from an unconscious place. They don't know what it is exactly that they're seeking. They just know that they see it in the feminine, especially those who are doing this sacred work. They see it, and they think, “they have something I want,” because they see this vibrational resonance, they see this energetic signature, and they typically, and most likely are unfortunately going to be unconscious as to what exactly that means, what exactly that is, and how they're actually unconsciously being drawn to these feminines and why.  

What they're truly experiencing is they want the portal. They want access to the portal. This is usually why men who are still in their wounding have that energy of, when you try to get to know someone or a masculine, and it's like you're talking about something super generic, super innocent, and they suddenly figure out a way to pivot the conversation and talk about sex to try to get you to engage in sexual conversation, or to create this type of environment (insert eye roll here).

Why? Because for them, they are seeing you as that connection. This is a very unconscious realization on a soul level that they see, “wow, she is connected to the divine and I must connect through women to access the divine.” Now, let’s clarify this. This is not the only way they can connect, but unconscious men have only ever felt the connection to the divine by entering into a woman's divine portal that exists within our womb space and is accessed by the masculine through sexual penetration.

That's why they want access and entry to it.

It's not so much about sexual pleasure. Women have more nerve endings in their clitoris than a man does in his penis (especially a man who has been circumcised). Sex is actually physically more pleasurable, and an orgasm is physically more pleasurable for a woman than it is for a man. Yet it's the masculine who are the ones who are constantly craving that connection, constantly desiring it, constantly wanting it - enough so that they become obsessed with it to the point where they make women feel unsafe and objectified even if the man thinks he is one of the “good guys”). It is not so much about the act of sexual pleasure in the physical body that they are seeking. They are seeking the connection to the divine that we hold within us. This is why, especially when they're in a deeply wounded energy, they're going to start prematurely trying to have sexual encounters in a relationship and they're going to prematurely start bringing up sexual things in conversation when you're in the first parts of getting to know each other, A wounded masculine who does not know how to feel a connection to his own divinity will try to connect with you in a sexual way when you're still in that “let's get to know each other phase.”

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A divine masculine, who has done the work to heal and connect with his own divinity, will want to wait and make sure that YOUR energy is one that he wants to be inside of and co-create with because he understands the sacredness of such a powerful energetic and physical connection.

When it comes to accessing that sacred portal that is within you, we have to remember that women have this access. They have a portal within their body that is directly connected to the divine. This is how we're able to bring souls into our uterus and create bodies for them. We are that conduit. We have that portal within us. So through that portal point, we have this very beautiful and sacred connection to the divine that the masculine is not able to attain. They will never be able to have a connection like that, it's not possible. Now, can they create a divine connection in other ways? Of course, absolutely! Yes, yes, yes. But they will never be able to have the same type of connection that a feminine has.

It's not possible because the feminine is the one who has that portal point in their body. We are the ones who are creating a new human being. And at the right time, at the right moment, the soul enters into the body through that energetic portal point to create a new person, not just the body, but an actual conscious person because they now have a soul. So this is where that desire, that longing comes from. It's this desire to connect into that portal. It's the desire to connect with the divine creatrix, with that divine energy through a Divine feminine.

Here is where we get to make conscious decisions and choices. This is where we need to become empowered and recognize the truth, that as long as we are in our healing energy and in this line of soul work that we are here to perform and do, we will always call in masculines who are in their wounding who need healing. That's just going to always be a vibrational match.

“I heal, therefore, I'm going to call in those who need healing.”

This is, again, a law of the universe. So, what we are tasked with, is to recognize what it is that we want from that connection. Do we need to play out another wounded cycle with this man? Or is this someone who would be better as a client for healing than as a boyfriend or partner? This is where we pivot and look at this from a place of intention and understand that it's not something to be viewed as negative. We are in control of what type of relationship we allow from this connection. Maintain your power.

So next time you keep asking yourself: Why do I keep calling in wounded masculine? Why does this keep happening?

You will know that the reason is because you're a healer and you will continue to call in wounded masculines because they need healing, but you have to also learn how to become a vibrational match to a divine, healed masculine who wants to elevate you and wants to honor you in that sacred space. Once you do this, you will begin to call in both. It is possible to call both in from a different energy signature.

First, you need to heal your own masculine wounding so that you operate from a healed masculine, a divine masculine energy that is what is going to be the vibrational match to a healed divine masculine that will come into your reality. This is where so many women wonder how. Why can I not call in one? How can I do this? Why is this not happening?

It’s because somewhere inside you, you are still operating from a wounded masculine energy and vibration, and therefore only a vibrational match to wounded masculines. The way that we heal from our wounded masculine is we have to stop allowing and permitting things to happen that we are not in vibrational alignment with. This means that we have to start protecting ourself. This means that we have to stop betraying ourselves when it comes to things like allowing ourselves to have sexual encounters with masculines that we really don't want to be having these encounters with, but we do so because at some level we feel guilty or we think we can fix them, or we can think we can help them, et cetera, et cetera.

As long as we are staying in that vibration, we are in our wounded masculine, because the masculine is the protector. The masculine is the one that shows up and says, “no, I am not going to allow you to utilize my feminine in this way. I am going to protect this sacred feminine energy. I'm going to stand up for it. I'm going to honor it. I'm going to express how sacred it is.” So, as long as we stay in this space of this wounded energy in the masculine, we will only call wounded masculines. Once we have healed that wounded masculine within us and come from an energy of “I will not betray myself, I will protect my sacred energy, I will not allow myself to be used for masculines to connect with the divine because they are refusing to do their own sacred work to learn how to connect with the divine in their own sacred masculine way.” Once we have healed that, once we have come into this place of no more betrayal and fully honoring our feminine and protecting the sacredness of that feminine, we will begin to also become a vibrational match to healed divine masculines. Through that work, we will find ourselves calling in both divine masculine and wounded masculine.

Once we do this work, we will not be drawn to having the wrong type of relationship with the wounded masculine, and we will allow ourselves to only be open to having deep, intimate relationships with healed divine masculines.

Now, I wish that there was some easy cut and dry way of saying, oh, you know, here's some magic recipe for this. But there really isn't. The main step for us to recognize and understand is that it's not something “bad” that we are calling in wounded masculines. It's something that we need to understand and recognize. And the next step of that would then be to look at that and say, “okay, now what part in my experience am I allowing these wounded masculine to play? Are they only coming in as paying clients for me? Or are they coming in in some way to use my divine feminine and my divine access portal point to figure out some way for them to avoid doing the work themselves?”  

This is the difference. So we have to start protecting and being in our healed masculine, our divine masculine by coming into that energy. Once we have done that, that's when the rest will fall into place. That's when the magic will begin to happen in our reality and our shift in the perception and physical experience and reality of our relationships with the masculine. So, release the idea that calling in wounded masculines is “bad.”

We are always going to call in those who need our services. The part that needs to be shifted is what part do we allow these wounded masculines to play in our reality?  So I hope that this was helpful. I hope that that clarified some things. I hope that this was illuminating and I hope that this blessed you, and if you found it helpful, please do share.



Healing the Wounded Masculine


What we sow into a situation is what we reap. 🌱