Join other individuals who are on their spiritual journey

Access a Divine Portal of channeled knowledge and information designed to aid you in your soul purpose fulfillment, intuitive gift development, and service based coaching business growth.

All from the comfort of your home + on YOUR time table

“Utilize this sacred space Nancy Cooper has created for us all to help align us with our greatest good! The Ohana learning experience was amazing! I can't believe what I found out. I strongly suggest to go check that one out. The guided meditations are what I'm getting into now. Nancy puts a lot of effort/energy into these amazing practices. Thank you so much for what you do!”


When you join The Collective



  • Guided Meditations - Heal your Inner Child + your Ancestral lineage, meet your Higher Self, Manifest your desires, program your Mornings to make your days pure magic, and more,

  • ​Starseed Activations– Listen to the channeled Light Language transmissions designed and programmed to activate your starseed codes in your DNA to accelerate you awakening process.

  • Spiritual Growth Classes – Access classes and masterclasses designed to help you free yourself from self-sabotage, connect with the quantum realm, learn how to use spiritual tools, and connect with your ancestors, and help you experience Divine Union with your Twin Flame.

  • Business Coaching - Get access to all of my business coaching classes that will help you learn things like how to get hundreds of leads each month without paid ads, create automated system to make money while you sleep, get clear on your messaging and never run out of content, and MUCH MORE.

  • Weekly LIVE Coaching – Join me live each week for an open forum Q&A during my weekly Virtual Office Hours. Ask any spiritual question pertaining to awakening, gifts, healing, your Twin Flame Journey, and even your spiritual business.

  • Recordings of all past challenges – Exclusive access to my virtual archive of historic content at your fingertips to be enjoyed at your leisure including things like the Chakra Trinity Challenge, Burn-board Challenge, Ending Soul Contracts Challenge, and more.

  • ​Sacred VIP Inner Circle Community – Join us 24/7 for open forum support and connect with like minded, heart-centered people from around the globe.

  • ​Channeled teaching from High Vibrational beings – Access the archives of real time channeling of divine beings like Archangels and Goddesses.


  • Just another disappointment in coaching and mentorship

  • Shiny object with no substance to back it up

  • Another course you will never get through

  • Just a bunch of resources with no actual mentorship

  • Cookie cutter, regurgitated, generic practices and teachings


  • A comprehensive collection of classes + activations

  • Weekly opportunity to chat with me LIVE 1:1

  • Proprietary, channeled practices and methodologies

  • A safe, inclusive community of awakening divine beings

  • Self-paced resources for any stage of your spiritual awakening

Does this sound like you?

  • You feel like you have a purpose here on this planet but don’t know exactly what it is or how to figure it out?

  • You’ve always been told you were “different” or “too much” because you feel things more than others do?

  • You’re “old life” no longer seems to satisfy you and you feel lost and uncertain of what your soul is calling you to do?

  • You have (or want to start) a service based coaching or consulting business but are struggling to have consistent income, get started, or scale your business?

  • You’ve started diving more into “generic spirituality” because you’re old belief systems no longer seem to align with you anymore?

  • You’ve been scouring the internet trying to find answers to things you’ve never really heard people openly talk about?

  • You’ve been trying to find a mentor who can help you navigate your spiritual awakening and all these things?





  • Detailed information about your unique Witch’s Wound® Archetype

  • How learning your archetype can end self-sabotage in your business

  • How to identify your loved one’s Witch’s Wound® Archetype (yes, includes masculines)

  • Tips and strategies for how to support your loved one through healing their Archetype

  • Ways to determine if someone is unconscious in their Archetype or have begun healing

  • Why we tend to attract people with the same Witch’s Wound® Archetype in different parts of our life

  • ​The most compatible Witch’s Wound® Archetype’s for our specific archetype

  • ​How to heal your Witch’s Wound® Archetype so you can experience divine union and abundance

Value of $333

“I am so glad I took the time to do the class! It was amazing as usual!


Just got off the Archetype Alchemy class…. omg, fire information!!!


Hi, Beloved! It's Nancy.

Hi, Beloved! It's Nancy.

My spiritual journey may have started a bit like yours. Growing up I was always haunted by the memory of a man whom I did not know nor had I ever met.

Later in life I learned that these were past life memories and I was here, in this lifetime to heal the Witch’s Wound which is connected to the deep feminine fear of abandonment and betrayal so that I could reunite with this man, in this lifetime, and have the life that was so unfairly stolen away from us.

Knowing the pain of Twin Flame separation and the curse of an unhealed Witch’s Wound, and how it makes union and accessing divine abundance impossible, I dedicated my life to helping others heal too so they can fulfill their soul’s purpose and experience the divine support and peace that comes along with it.

Through utilizing my own proprietary techniques and channeled teachings I have been able to heal my deepest inherited wound, the Witch’s Wound which has enabled me to create a successful spiritual business and heal my relationship with the masculine.

It all started when I stopped denying who I really was and began to heal the trauma that was caused by always feeling the need to suppress her. I hope to guide you on the same path.

Total Mentorship


Sign up today for only $111 to lock in all these benefits (cancel anytime)!



    Reuse your monthly membership fee and apply it to your favorite programs* like Sacred Feminine or the Sacred Feminine Sales Society.


    Members of The Collective attend all monthly masterclasses or energy healings free of charge as an included membership benefit.


    Members have the privilege of jumping the line during live card pulls and receive a 3 card pull for clarity on a question of your choice.


    As a member of The Collective you will have access to my relationship readings and extended recordings for no additional fee

I want to be real with you….

Getting here wasn’t easy.

I know it can be hard to trust people in the online space….

Your defenses might me up (especially with a Witch’s Wound in play). You might be wondering if I am a legitimate psychic and quantum healer or if I am just another person in the online space trying to sell you something that promises the world but doesn’t deliver. I understand, and I hope you will let me show you that you are safe.

I have seen the ugly side of online mentorship and spiritual coaching, personally losing thousands of dollars to coaches that over promised and severely underdelivered or WAY over charged for cookie cutter processes and practices that are well known and proven ineffective.

This is why I created this monthly mentorship, So that people who are seeking to expand in their spiritual gifts can have a supportive, collaborative, and inclusive environment of self-discovery that is accessible and affordable for all.


Q: What is The Collective?

A: The Collective is a place and community that allows you to learn how to start activating your spiritual gifts, developing them, learn how to use them, and even begin monetizing them.

Q: How can this help me make more money and grow my business?

A: Inside The Collective you will find an entire section dedicated to helping you grow your service based business. Classes include things like: organic lead generation, how to channel more content, copy creation, how to implement automated systems for scaling, how to determine what strategy is best for your business to grow, how to end self-sabotage in your business and more added each month.

Q: How do I access content?

A: Content like classes, meditations, and challenges are all organized inside the member’s portal on the website. Community is hosted in a Facebook group where the link for weekly LIVE Zoom coaching will be shared and you will be able to access the LIVE tarot readings.

Q: How quickly will I start seeing shifts?

A: Everyone is different, but many people have reported immediate responses to my classes and activations.

Q: Is there something to teach me how to manifest?

A: Yes! I channeled a Sacred Manifesting ritual that I share inside the member’s portal

Q: Is this live coaching?

A: Classes, masterclasses, activations, meditations, and all other content are pre-recorded modules uploaded into the Membership Portal and inside the Facebook group. However, there are monthly events like live reprogrammings and activations, masterclass trainings and weekly live Q&As coaching calls through Zoom during virtual office hours.

Q: How do I cancel?

A: You can cancel any time directly from your client portal, no hassle. You are in complete control.

*Please note that once cancelled, you will immediately lose access to the online community even if you still have time left inside the portal. Once you cancel your account you will need to wait 90 days before re-registering.


The Collective was not created to diagnose, treat, or cure anything and does not replace the help of a medical professional and should not be used for/or instead of professional medical care. The views and exercises in this membership are purely for entertainment purposes.

Refund Policy:

Due to the digital nature of this membership, the monthly fee is non-refundable. Payment for the services and materials is earned in its entirety at the time of purchase and as such, no refunds are provided under any circumstances, regardless of whether or not all services have been rendered or the membership has been utilized. There are no refunds.

Cancelation Policy:

The Collective is a month to month contract so you may cancel at any time. Upon receiving cancelation notice, member will automatically be removed from the Inner Circle Facebook group but will retain portal access through the remainder of their membership term. If you need to cancel your membership you must do so prior to the next payment you want to process. If you forget to cancel, your payment will not be refunded.

Failed Payment:

If your payment fails it will be retried after 5 days. If that payment fails there will be one final attempt to process the payment after another 5 days. If that payment fails, your membership will automatically be terminated along with all benefits or earned rewards and you will need to register again to access member benefits and rewards will be lost.

Fee Recycling:

Monthly Fee can be used towards payment of 1:1 coaching services, Sacred Feminine, Mastering Masculinity, Sacred Feminine Sales Society, and Untangled with Nancy. Cannot be applied towards Light Language Certification, 1:1 Coaching Packages, or the Untangled: Freedom Technique with a certified practitioner. Only 12 monthly fee’s can be used at a time, member must have been active for 12 consecutive billing months, and have an account that is in good standing. Fee recycling is only available from memberships set up January 2024 and after, in the amount of $111/m (discounted rates do not qualify for fee recycling).

Copyright Nancy Cooper 2021

All content of this membership is protected under Copyright law. Nancy Cooper reserves the right to revoke access to the membership portal at her discretion. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this a sacred space. Reproduction or distribution of the contents of this membership, without written authorization from the author, is prohibited.