Your unhealed wounds are the secret enemies blocking your dreams. 

Are you ready to let the light in and banish those dream-saboteurs once and for all?

Understanding the "Witch's Wound"

The term "Witch's Wound" serves as a poignant metaphor for the deep affliction women carry within themselves, stemming from their fear of persecution if they dare to be seen or heard. In ancient times, women were revered for their unique gifts and regarded as powerful goddesses in human form. Alas, with the rise of patriarchal energy, women were deemed dangerous and subjected to oppression.

As a result of this historical oppression, women began to internalize the belief that it was perilous to embrace their innate power, wisdom, and magic. The consequence was a pervasive unease, leading to various manifestations of the Witch's Wound® and it’s archetypal expressions that I channeled and developed. Surface-level symptoms include an aversion to being seen, a lack of self-trust, diminished confidence, low self-esteem, a dearth of motivation, the inability to release the past, a lack of trust, and a perpetual sense of insecurity. It can also express itself through the over masculinization of the feminine in the feeling that as women we must always be hypervigilant, defensive, and combative when it comes to the masculine, sometimes each other, and life in general.

While operating from this wounded space, women often embody the Shadow aspects of the Witch‘s Wound® referred to as the Archetypes. These behaviors hinder their progress, perpetuating destructive patterns that prevent them from realizing their dreams. It is a tragic reality to acknowledge that within a 300-year period, between three to five million women were ruthlessly tortured and/or killed simply for radiating too brightly. This historical injustice created a profound wound, one that has been passed down through generations and persists even in the cellular memories encoded within our DNA.

Regrettably, this inherited, collective Witch's Wound® has led many of us to carry on the mantle of oppression, further suppressing our own unique gifts, while self-gaslighting and abandoning and betraying ourselves because we do not feel safe or worthy enough to ask for what we want or set boundaries. Our fear of the consequences of being seen has kept us hidden, perpetuating the cycle of self-denial. However, it is crucial to recognize that our true potential lies dormant within this very wound. By embarking on a journey of healing, we can access and tap into our innate gifts, feeling secure enough to share them with those who are called to receive them.

Never doubt yourself; your gifts were bestowed upon you for a purpose. The time has come to shed the shackles of self-doubt or combativeness and embrace your true calling as a Divine Feminine. Healing the Witch's Wound® is not only a personal odyssey, but a collective one, as we liberate ourselves and empower future generations of women to rise above the shadows of history. The courageous act of reclaiming our gifts and sharing them with the world is an affirmation of our sacred right to exist fully as the luminous beings we are.

Nancy Cooper

Intuitive Business and Feminine Embodiment Coach + Author

My spiritual journey may have started a bit like yours. 

Growing up, I know all too well what it feels like to be treated differently and to struggle with a sense of not belonging anywhere.

I know the pain of coming into this world as a Light Worker or Starseed. The feelings of isolation and rejection can be overwhelming, and it's disheartening when people only see you as a "good luck charm" or try to exploit your energetic magic, sometimes even using force. It's as if we're objectified, losing our sense of worth in the process.

This is why I do the work I do. 

To extend a helping hand to other women who are awakening to their own gifts and undergoing the healing process from the trauma that may have resulted from "shining too brightly" in our childhood or early adulthood.

By owning my divine essence I have been able to grow a 6-figure business while only working about 25 hours per week.

And it all started when I stopped denying who I really was. 

No more denial. 

No more suppressing the fiery truth of who I really am. 


So let's walk side by side, supporting each other as we navigate the twists and turns, uncovering the wonders that await. 

Want to start now?