Why I don’t practice Earth Magic anymore and you won’t have to either.

People have asked me why I don't do a lot of the standard spell work and my answer is simple: It's because I am here to teach the next level of magic. 

We have spent the last several thousand years working more limited Earth Magic as our Natal Sedna’s have been residing in the house of Taurus. This placement has been known as the Witch's Wound Era. 

In this time women have been persecuted and oppressed for the magic they wield and the latent potential that has been humming in their cellular DNA. It has been these women - our ancestors and our past selves -who have made the sacrifices to lay a foundation for something so immensely powerful that the information of its existence and coming has been hidden from humanity, until now.

We were not ready…. but we are now.

In 2023 Sedna will move out of Taurus and into the sign of Gemini. This new placement will herald in the Age of Alchemy - but what is that exactly?

The Age of Alchemy is the time where magic becomes normal once again. It is a time where women will sit around and laugh at the idea that there was once a name for them and called them witches, when now women working magic is just an average day.

Let me take you there….

The air is cleaner, the sun seems brighter, and the plants are even more green. As we walk through the forests we can feel the hum of the planet once again and can hear the whispers from the trees. We work together in harmony, creating, building, healing, and expanding. We no longer fear ourselves.

We are healthy and happy and our expansion no longer comes from the need for contrast and suffering, but insead from the pure desire to expand. We are open and fearless to allow the universe to use us to birth it’s new creations- we do - and they are glorious.

This is the age where humanity finally, fully integrates their embedded coding and truly remembers who they are.

The magic of alchemy is very different from Earth Magic. Earth Magic requires the utilization of tapping into mother Gaia and pulling from her resources in order to fully execute our magic. As we step forward in to our Alchemical Magic we will be able to create purely in an energetic fashion. This is possible because the vibration of the planet has risen to the level that allows her energetic forcefield to expand up overtop of her outer layers. We will so longer need ingredients from her, because we will become part of her and held within her energetic field of power.

This allows us to be wielders.

In order for us to truly be able to tap into this energy and work in this way it is imperative for us to have healed our Witch’s Wound and done the work to transcend this energy so that it can be transmuted into that which will propel us forward into this new vibration.

Be in good spirits beloveds. You are the ones who were called to usher in the Age of Alchemy. If this message has found you, you are part of the mission team. Join us in the Alchemy Alliance as we attune our light bodies and learn how to wield this new form of magic. The world needs you and your gifts.

It is time.

For those from whose ashes we rise.


You’re not looking for your Twin Flame. You’re wanting your Mirror Soul.


Crystals for Witch’s Wound Work