Why do people ghost?

Ooph. Do we agree?

Have you ever ghosted someone? If so, why?


Have you ever been ghosted? What happened?

Share your comments below 👇🏻

We must remember that ghosting is the result of overwhelm. It happens when someone has been suppressing their emotions too much and then something happens in a relationship and they need to process it so they can respond they can’t and go into lock down.

By processing the emotion that was activated it would pull the plug on the other emotions that they have been suppressing causing a chain reaction that often is fought against because they are fighting so hard to keep it together.

People more likely to ghost are:

👻 Self-proclaimed “workaholics”

đź‘» Single parents

đź‘» Men

đź‘» Anyone processing severe, recent trauma

đź‘» Anyone who has unprocessed trauma

Ghosting isn’t about the other person. It is about the past. The other person just triggered something unresolved and unhealed.

If you’ve been ghosted, don’t let it affect your self-esteem or self-worth. It’s not about you. It’s about them and their need to heal and process their old pains. Have compassion but know that this person is NOT ready for a relationship. Even when they come back weeks or months later.

If you are someone who ghosts, I invite you to start communicating with the other person by sharing that something has come up that you need to deal with and process and that you need time to do so. Tell them it’s not about them and you will be back. Try to communicate with them every few days or once a week letting them know you still need time and appreciate them holding space.

If the other person isn’t willing or capable of holding space this just shows you they are not in a place where they can help cultivate a healthy relationship environment that is conducive to your healing. I know the perceived rejection can be hard but it’s better to know this than to ghost a partner who potentially would have been able to love, honor, and respect your process by holding space for you.

Healing is not linear. We never know what will happen that might trigger something. This is why open communication is essential for a healthy relationship and creating an environment that allows for healing.

If someone ghosted you, just send them love. They didn’t do it to hurt you. That’s their stuff.

If you ghosted someone who you feel really cared for you, reach out. Explain. Open yourself up to being supported.

Regardless of whether you’ve been ghosted or have ghosted, remember, you are still loved 💕


Understanding the Witch's Wound™


Just because someone hurt our feelings doesn’t mean they did something wrong