From a coach to a coach 💖

I think one of the BIGGEST things coaches need to ask themselves before putting out content, from their journey, that is meant to inspire others is:

Am I writing this from the healed version of myself or the wounded one who experienced this?

I get it and we are all guilty of it. 😣

Thinking that something will uplift and inspire, when instead it gives off the pervasive aura that that wound is still there, and it’s speaking and we are needing to say the words in order to progress our own healing.

Let’s be clear. Our clients are not there to help us heal. They may contribute to it, but that’s not what they are paying us for. They are paying us to help THEM heal. Might they trigger us? Yep. Could they even poke at something we thought we healed but realized in that moment there is another layer that needs to be transcended? Absolutely. But our roll with them is to focus on their healing. Not our own. We should have already done the work or do the work with our own coaches.

It’s about them. Not us and when it becomes about us, we have lost focus of the goal at hand. We do a disservice to ourselves and our clients when we internalize their struggles and personalize them to echo a narrative that we haven’t quite rewritten yet.

When something triggering comes up it’s simply our job to recognize and observe. If there is a message in this time that we feel compelled to share, we must first ask ourselves where the message is coming from. If it’s something we need to speak to heal then it should remain private. If it’s something that we want to share because we recognized the wounding and trigger for what it was and chose to move through it, then this is from a healed place, and could be shared.

Be honest with where you are. Don’t try to pretend that you are further along your own journey than you are. Through your authenticity people will be more drawn to you as they can relate to your humanity.

People can see through the farce and hear what isn’t being said, especially those who are on their own healing journey, and see through it and not want to work with you. It will be the ones who are still in a wounded energy themselves that will engage and feed into your pain body so that you can validate each other. These people may even become your clients and you will find yourself wondering why you keep attracting people who aren’t ready to heal and move forward. This is why.

Do the work and be honest with where you are. We ALL carry a Witch’s Wound and until we are truly ready and willing to do the work to relief ourselves of operating from it, we will continue to repeat the same patterns.

It’s time to heal. It’s time to be real.

And you’re being called. ✨

#witchswound #WeAreNotBroken #togetherwerise


The power of authenticity


Spiritual Attacks ⚔️