Hello, Divine One! You are just ONE step away from RADICALLY transforming your life.

Please choose a date and time that works best for you and let’s start making some magic!

What you will get when you book your Strategy Call:

✅ Yours truly on the line

✅ A full audit of your business

✅ A clear, outlined strategy

✅ Coaching and support to help you discover your biggest blocks

✅ Access to my complete strategy that I teach my clients

What you will NOT get when you book your Strategy Call:

❌ Slimy sales tactics

❌ Someone else on the line

❌ High pressure sales

❌ Presented with an over-priced offer that you can’t afford

❌ Harassment under the guise of follow up

  • I utilize a holistic approach in my coaching, meaning we work on all aspects of your business, including the most important one, you, in order to create strategies that will work for you and feel good and aligned in your body while getting you the results you seek.

  • I understand that there is not a one size fits all strategy that works for everyone’s business and instead utilize the most effective and cutting edge marketing strategies to create a customized plan just for you and your business that provides sustainable and scalable results,

  • I am a Light Language channel and utilize this Quantum Healing modality to help clear old programming, energetic blockages, and call in DNA upgrades.

  • I am a Psychic Quantum Healer which allows me to channel guidance and travel into the astral plane to help you heal old karma, revoke past life vows that are blocking your abundance in this lifetime, and reprogram your DNA with upgraded abundance codes.

  • I have a bachelors of science in Psychology which allows me to understand the underlying thought processes of your potential clients and how to speak their language and connect with them.

  • I have almost 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, and business leadership and management and know the ins and outs of running a successful business.

  • I have an open transparency policy with my pricing and packages. No need to get on a sales call that promises you valuable coaching that instead is used to sell you on a 5-figure group coaching program. Not sure what program is the right fit for you? Shoot me a DM and let’s talk about it.

  • You will work directly with me for all coaching

  • My coaching is based on proven techniques that have been directly channeled by me in alignment with the new, feminine way of reclaiming power and becoming free from the Patrix (patriarchal matrix). You will not find any bro-marketing strategies or toxic masculine coaching with me.

  • I am highly educated in the newest marketing strategies and know how to help you set up effective ads, chat funnels, automations, and much more to help you “self-sabotage proof” your business and let it scale naturally and organically without additional work.

Here is what set’s me apart and why I can help you get the result you are seeking:

Areas We Work On

  • Spiritual Business

    We can work to develop a plan of action for your spiritual business including: program development and marketing.

  • Shadow Work

    We will work to heal, clear, and reprogram past life trauma and inherited generational woundings that are blocking you.

  • Higher Guidance

    We will work to awaken, activate, and grow your channel to Higher Realms for guidance and spiritual knowledge.

  • Divine Outcomes

    We will work to help you become the purest expression of the Divine Creatrix to align with your desires and goals.